2020 was an unprecedented year, with the monumental challenges and heart-breaking sadnesses of the global COVID-19 pandemic. But amongst that, it was also a year of exceptional hard work, adaptability and kindness.
Our humanity and community spirit shone in the darkness, and I thought it was important to capture that so we've got something to look back on and be proud of.
This exclusive commemorative book is a tribute to human kindness and I am humbled to have become the caretaker of the most amazing collection of stories from everyday heroes and organisations across every aspect of life, which are heart-warming and heart-wrenching in equal measures.
It’s 350+ pages packed with photos and interviews with key workers, inspirational people and some familiar faces - from doctors and dustbin men to Sir Quentin Blake and Captain Tom as well as hundreds of pictures of some of the things we were all seeing and experiencing. And it's all beautifully bound in a hardback cover with a bespoke illustration that perfectly captures the love and positivity packed inside.
There isn’t a book big enough to include all the people and organisations who deserve to be mentioned, so this celebrates the stories of a few on behalf of the many. I just wish there were enough pages in the world to have included so many, many more.
Covid Kindness is probably the book that none of us would ever have wanted, but perhaps the one that we all need, to remind ourselves what a kind and generous bunch we can be.
I donated my time to do this as my way of giving something back and all profits are going to good causes including NHS Charities Together.

And so shines a good deed in a weary world...
All proceeds from the sale of this book go to good causes including NHS Charities Together
Covid Kindness UK:2020
An exclusive Jackanory book in tribute to the hard work, adaptability and kindness during the Covid-19 pandemic, with all proceeds going to good causes.